Meet Our Teacher Ambassador Community

Our Teacher Ambassador program is comprised of dedicated and passionate teachers who share a love of literacy and want to help spread the word about our literacy programs such as Between the Pages program to other teachers. Ambassadors make up a vibrant and connected community that fosters relationships among teachers, life-long friendships, and opportunities to attend monthly meetups as a group along with an opportunity to attend Alane’s annual Impact Retreat.

The Impact Retreats are designed to be a space where educators can connect with fellow teachers, gain new skills and strategies, and learn about the latest developments in education. They provide a forum for teachers to collaborate and share ideas on how to best support student learning and success. The retreats offer a variety of workshops, interactive sessions, and networking opportunities to help educators grow professionally and personally.

If you are interested in joining our community, be sure to sign up for our newsletter to stay abreast of happenings and follow along on social media. Each Fall we welcome a new batch of teachers into our community.

Annual Impact Retreats

Napa in 2024

This year’s Impact Retreat is heading to San Francisco and Napa Valley! With an anticipated attendance of 120 teachers, this experience is tailored for professional development, team building, and breathtaking scenery. Each day guarantees a distinctive mix of enrichment and camaraderie through Professional Development sessions, Team Building Olympics, and a stroll across the iconic Golden Gate Bridge.

Sailing Away In 2023

Last year we took 100 teachers on an all-expenses-paid cruise to the Bahamas! The cruise featured workshops, interactive sessions, and networking opportunities for educators, alongside enjoyable activities like snorkeling, island hopping, beach parties, and relaxation.

Building Community 2022

In 2022, we hosted 40 teachers from across the country in Temecula, California for a weekend full of professional development, community bonding, and wine tasting!

Forging Ahead 2021

In 2021, we hosted 8 teachers in California and quickly realized this was the start of an amazing community. These teachers are now known as the “minions” and have been with us since the beginning of our Between The Pages Teacher Ambassador program.