Homepage Forums Ambassadors Forum Retreat

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    • Alane Adams
        Post count: 7

        Return to the Teacher Ambassador Resources page HERE.

      • Alane Adams
          Post count: 7

          Registration forms are going out today! Who’s excited???

          • Debbie
              Post count: 2

              Can’t wait t hear the details!!!!!!!!

          • Kristi
              Post count: 2

              I am so excited to meet all the Teacher Ambassadors face to face this summer!  It’s going to be a great time to connect & learn from each other!  Plus, I know we will have so much fun together!




            • Tina
                Post count: 2

                I’m anxiously awaiting!!! I haven’t received it yet. Am I being impatient? I’m up to my eyeballs in moving my stepdad in with me. I’d be devastated if I missed it. I checked spam. -Tina Lusby

              • Kristen
                  Post count: 3

                  So excited for the trip! Booked my stuff today! Can’t wait to meet so many of the awesome humans I connect with daily on Twitter!


                • Melissa
                    Post count: 1

                    OMG! Haven’t been in a plane in 10 years but I’m going across the country to meet all of you!!! ?

                  • Janice
                      Post count: 3

                      I am so excited to meet you all! This year has been rough.

                      The retreat is going to be an amazing way to kick off the 2022-2023 school year!


                    • Therese
                        Post count: 1

                        I have my plane ticket! I’m so excited! I’m afraid to fly but I’ll do it all for you.

                      • Josh
                          Post count: 1

                          I signed up this morning!! Cannot wait to meet everyone face-to-face! I’ve never flown in my life, and now I’ll be flying for two different conferences this year!

                        • Tammy
                            Post count: 1

                            Ok Let’s hear the top 5 things you’re excited about in regards to the retreat! Share out!

                          • Sherri
                              Post count: 1

                              I’m so excited!!!!

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